Blogs are trending these days so I thought, Why not start my own? Wait, I already have a blog…does Facebook or WordPress count? Eh, why not. So, how does one start a blog on wedding cakes? Or birthday cakes? or even the occasional cookie? I mean, who is really interested in these things (Besides myself and other cakers). Well, Everyone of course, but in a different sense. Do adults love to see their one year old smash into a cake? I did! I took lots of pictures too 🙂 Take a 5 yr old’s birthday, here come the princess dresses and superheros!

Barbie Cake 2_2

I could go on through the ages but I’ll save that for another post. So, yes, I have some opinions and questions when it comes to marketing my cakes (Did I say MARKETING? Eeeeek! That is a scary word!). Yes, marketing…because, I would like to sell my edible creations. I enjoy creating them, sure, but when one is received and smashed and devoured, brings an amount of joy that surpasses the creation. (Not to mention all the praise and “likes” I receive, These help A LOT So, Thanks for that.) Thus, a blog. Thank you to those who have read this, and especially those who will pass it on to their friends. Keep an eye out for more of my opinions, rants, and other sweets. 🙂